Let's talk all things whisky
We'd love to hear from you. Part of the reason we got into whisky is we love its ability to bring people together, friends old and new. There's something about whisky that makes it so easy to bond over a shared passion, swapping thoughts and drams.
So, if you have any questions about whisky, if you need recommendations, or if you have an idea - please do get in touch.
You can email Ed directly on ed@topwhiskies.com. Or you can always pick up the phone and give us a ring on (+44) 020 8144 6581. Let's talk all things whisky.
Full contact details
Email: ed@topwhiskies.com
Phone: (+44) 020 8144 6581
Address: TopWhiskies, FuturePro, 6 Thatcham Park, Gables Way, Thatcham, Berkshire, RG19 4ZA